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Anatomy of a Ship

Ship stats dictate a number of aspects within the DEEPSPACE metaverse and are used in all stages of the game.

All ship stats are determined at time of ship minting and can be upgraded by the owner by using resources. Luck can only be upgraded by 10 points and only with a special item called a Lucky Charm

Each ship class has it's own range and maximum value for each stat as explained on the Ship Classes page

Star Rating and Level

Ship star rating and level is determined by the total sum of a ships stats.

The following level currently defines the star rating of a ship:

1 Star: 1 - 284

2 Star: 285 - 352

3 Star: 353 - 424

4 Star: 425 - 465

5 Star: 466 - 570

General Stats


Luck is the most prevalent stat on a ship. It is used in all stages of the game including open space exploration and discovery, mining, and combat. Luck has minor use in most game algorithms. For example, your chances of getting attacked while mining may be reduced slightly with higher luck, or you may have a slightly less chance of missing an attack in combat with higher luck. In exploration, luck can help you find extra resources in Lost Cargo. Luck is a modifier stat and low luck will not result in "bad luck".

Luck can only be upgraded by finding the elusive Lucky Charm. Each ship is limited to only 10 points of Luck upgrade.


Speed is used to determine the movement speed of ships in both open space exploration as well as combat. Your maximum speed in exploration is determined by the average speed of your selected fleet, and is weighted heavily by the speed of your Lead Ship. In combat, the number of tiles a ship may move in a turn is determined by it's speed.


Both the amount of resources a ship mines per turn and the capacity to carry resources is affected by its mining stat. A ship with a mining stat of 100 can carry 100 resources. The Mining stat also impacts the ability to salvage wrecked ships found during the exploration phase.

Max Health

A defines the maximum amount of health a ship has and how much damage it can withstand before being destroyed. Ships that reach 0 health will be unusable until they are repaired to 1 or more health.

You will retain ownership of destroyed ships, however, they will be disabled in your inventory and unable to be used until they are repaired.

Combat Stats

Combat stats are used in combat and also when fending off pirates in exploration. The higher your combat stats are the fewer resources a pirate will be able to pillage from you if caught.


Attack determines the amount of damage you do when attacking another ship using your standard attack. When using a ship's standard attack, the enemies Shields will be used to defend the attack. An enemy ship with a lower shield stat will be more vulnerable to a ship with a high attack.

Special Attack

Special attack is an alternate weapon system that can be used to attack your enemy. Enemy ships will defend against special attacks with their special defenses. A ship with a high special attack will be more effective against a ship with low special defense.


Shields reduce the amount of damage you take when attacked by an enemy's standard attack.

Special Defense

Special defense reduces the amount of damage you take when attacked by an enemy's special attack.